Recipe: Yummy Oatmeal bar (healthy easy)

Oatmeal bar (healthy easy). Try Our Traditional, Bold, Oven Roasted & Honey Roasted Snack Almonds. The hubby says this is one of the best recipes, EVER! He says these oatmeal bars are heavenly.

Oatmeal bar (healthy easy) This recipe takes only a few ingredients and is customizable with your preference of yummy add-ins. {Tip - it's also. This Oatmeal Breakfast Bars recipe is basically like oatmeal in bar form for on-the-go breakfast and snacking. They are more substantial and healthier than a packaged breakfast bar, and can be easily customized with different add-ins based on preferences. You can cook Oatmeal bar (healthy easy) using 12 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Oatmeal bar (healthy easy)

  1. You need 140 g of oatmeal.
  2. You need 110 g of tepung gandum.
  3. Prepare 1 tsp of b.powder.
  4. It's 280 ml of susu cair.
  5. Prepare 1/2 mangkuk of prune kering.
  6. It's 1/2 tsp of garam.
  7. It's 1 butir of telur.
  8. Prepare of mentega untuk olesan.
  9. Prepare 1/2 of vanilla powder.
  10. Prepare of apple sauce (dibuat dr 1 aple,1tbsp gula pasir dan sdikit air).
  11. You need of kacang2 an (apa aja bisa).
  12. Prepare 1 tbsp of gula pasir/ madu.

Removed from the oven and gently sliced. You guys have loved my flourless breakfast cookies, peanut butter oatmeal cookies and flourless breakfast bars, which inspired me to make these EASY oatmeal cookie bars. You guys, I have been making batch after batch of these healthier oatmeal cookie bars. Well, I firstly had a plethora of leftover bananas, THEN, I found myself with a jar or two of applesauce.

Oatmeal bar (healthy easy) instructions

  1. Panaskan oven 180°c. blender kering oatmeal, sebenarnya g usah diblender juga gpp, teksturnya jd lebih chewy dan kering. tp sy suka yg chewy dan g terlalu kering. jd sy blender kasar aja..
  2. Campur jd satu bahan kering,.
  3. Dsatu sisi campurkan susu,apple sauce dan telur..
  4. Campurkan bahan jadi satu. aduk rata. masukkan prune. aduk rata..
  5. Tuang ke dalam loyang yg udah diolesi mentega. ratakan. taburkan kacang2 an diatas nya..
  6. Panggang selama 30 mnit atau sampai bar berwarna kecoklatan..
  7. Dinginkan. lalu potong sesuai selera.
  8. #untuk apple sauce. 1 buah apple, 1 tbsp gula pasir, sdikit kayu manis, distim. lalu ditumbuk atau diblender..
  9. #bisa disimpan di freezer kurleb 2 bulan..

In a medium bowl, gently combine rolled oats, flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, and sea salt with a spoon. Healthy baked oatmeal bars are naturally-sweetened and maple flavored for a delicious and filling breakfast recipe. Easy to customize with fresh or dried fruit and nuts, these bars are great for snacks, too! A quick and easy recipe for healthy oatmeal breakfast bars made with peanut butter and banana! This healthy oatmeal bars recipe is just the thing we all need on those crazy days.

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