Recipe: Perfect Salmon bibimbap

Salmon bibimbap. Finish off your salmon bibimbap with gochujang to taste. Stir thoroughly and enjoy with a big spoon! This Salmon Bibimbap recipe is our healthy take on this classic Korean rice dish.

Salmon bibimbap Bibimbap is probably one of the more well known Korean recipes outside of Korea, along with Pajeon and Bulgogi. As you can see in the images here, it is a one bowl dish made up of rice and an assortment of side dishes, served with that ubiquitous of Korean red chilli pastes, gochujang (I'll do a post on that soon). The staple ingredients in Bibimbap are rice, vegetables, any kind of meat, and spicy Korean paste gochujang. You can have Salmon bibimbap using 14 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Salmon bibimbap

  1. Prepare 1 sendok teh of air perasan lemon.
  2. It's 2 sendok teh of saus gochujjang.
  3. You need 100 gram of salmon segar.
  4. It's 50 gram of bayam.
  5. It's 1 buah of wortel potong memanjang.
  6. It's 1 buah of timun potong memanjang.
  7. It's 3 sendok makan of Minyak wijen.
  8. It's of Air.
  9. You need 2 buah of Jamur hioko.
  10. You need 1 porsi of nasi putih.
  11. It's 1 sendok teh of gula.
  12. You need secukupnya of Garam.
  13. You need 2 siung of bawang putih.
  14. It's of Olive oil.

We already ate some chicken and pork these past few days so I decided to use salmon belly for a change. I already marinated the salmon belly using the Firecracker Salmon recipe so it's ready to cook. This scrumptious version of bibimbap uses ingredients that can be found at any major grocery store and is still packed with flavor, while also healthy and fresh. Try this recipe with KPOP Sauce, the chili sauce with attitude and taste the party.

Salmon bibimbap step by step

  1. Rebus bayam selama 2-3 menit bersama bawang putih dan minyak wijen lalu tiriskan dan pisahkan.
  2. Tumis masing2 wortel, jamur, dan timun dengan olive oil dan gula dan garam lalu pisahkan.
  3. Masak salmon dengan teknik pan seared / di rebus (sesuai selera) tanpa diberi bumbu lalu suir kecil2.
  4. Encerkan saus gochujjang dengan 1 sendok teh air lemon dan gula dan air.
  5. Siapkan nasi di atas mangkuk dan tambahkan saus gochujjang.
  6. Letakkan bayam, timun, wortel, jamur, dan salmon di atas nasi dan berikan saus gochujjang lagi secukupnya.
  7. Tambahkan telur mata sapi dan nori bila mau..

Rinse rice until water runs clear. Bring rice and water to a boil, then cover and reduce heat to low. Remove from heat and let rest covered. Drain in a colander, return to the pan, then cover and leave to one side. Salmon and spinach can be steamed in a separate pot on stovetop.

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