Recipe: Yummy #14 Jus Diet Sehat (Bayam)

#14 Jus Diet Sehat (Bayam).

#14 Jus Diet Sehat (Bayam) You can cook #14 Jus Diet Sehat (Bayam) using 6 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of #14 Jus Diet Sehat (Bayam)

  1. It's 2 genggam of daun bayam.
  2. Prepare 1 buah of timun.
  3. You need 1 buah of wortel.
  4. You need 1 buah of tomat.
  5. Prepare 1/2 buah of jeruk nipis peras.
  6. Prepare 100 ml of yogurt.

#14 Jus Diet Sehat (Bayam) instructions

  1. Cuci bersih dan potong semua bahan. Masukkan ke dalam blender dan haluskan. Peras dg kain halus..
  2. Siap disajikan dan segera minum.

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